
'The Blue Grass State'

Picture: Feel the presence of Daniel Boone on the Wilderness Road. Indulge in the toe-tapping of bluegrass music. Lush forests and abundant plant-life, gentle slopes and many rivers and streams.

These cards were supplied from two sources, the first one was sent by Billie who is based in Alexandria. I would like to thank her for her help and prompt response.

The second was given to me by a neighbour (Edna) who had quite a large collection of post cards from the States and was only too willing to help out with my project if she could.

Picture: Upper Left: Aerial of Kentucky State Capitol, Frankfort. Upper right: Flag, Commonwealth of Kentucky - United We Stand Divided We Fall. Lower left: The Cardinal - Kentucky State Bird. Lower right: The Goldenrod - Kentucky State Flower.              


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